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USA Today bestselling novelist Tamera Alexander—author of A Million Little Choices, With This Pledge, A Lasting Impression, Beyond This Moment, Colors of Truth, and more—is one of today's most popular writers of inspirational historical romance and contemporary women's fiction. While being Gram Tam is her current favorite role, she’ll never turn down a stroll through an old cemetery or browsing through antique shops.

Tamera and her husband live in Nashville, Tennessee, a short distance from the Southern mansions that serve as the backdrop for many of her critically-acclaimed novels. She views her writing as a way to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ—and her desire is that those who read her novels will take steps closer to Him as well.

<span style="color: rgb(12, 88, 122);">more about Tamera</span>

Same beloved stories, brand new covers

The blockbuster historical TIMBER RIDGE REFLECTIONS series—three bestselling novels about life, love, and enduring faith in the 19th century Colorado Rockies—now with updated covers. 

All three novels available in ebook, print, and audiobook

All available on KU (Kindle Unlimited)

Praise for A Million Little Choices, Tamera's latest novel

"I couldn't put the book down. It was that good. . . " [read more]

~ Francine Rivers, New York Times bestselling author of Redeeming Love and The Lady's Mine

"Tammy thrills us anew with the mysteriously parallel stories of two heroic women, generations apart..." [read more]

Jerry B. Jenkins, New York Times bestselling author of The Left Behind Series 

"Tamera's characters lived and breathed . . . Don't miss this compelling novel." [read more]

~ Lynn Austin, New York Times bestselling author of If I Were You and All My Secrets

Terri Interviews Tamera

Terri Gillespie of Author 2 Author is such a hoot, and we had the best time chatting about novels, our walk with the Lord, our love of studying the Word through a middle eastern lens—and how no one knows who New York Times bestselling author Jerry Jenkins is! (LOL) Join us!

Tamera's recent releases

2008 Christy Award Winner (2024 updated cover)
From a Distance, Timber Ridge Reflections novel book 1— 2008 Christy Award Winner
2009 Christy Award Finalist (2024 updated cover)
Beyond This Moment, Timber Ridge Reflections novel book 2—2009 Christy Award finalist
2011 Christy Award Finalist (2025 updated cover)
Within My Heart, Timber Ridge Reflections novel book 3—2011 Christy Award finalist
2024 Carol Award Winner
A standalone dual timeline novel—2024 Carol Award Winner
2021 Readers Choice Award Winner
Colors of Truth, a Carnton novel book 2— 2021 Readers Choice Award Winner
2019 Christy Award Winner
With This Pledge, a Carnton novel book 1— 2019 Christy Award Winner

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From Start to Finish by (not Tamera) but Joe Alexander
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Join Tamera on Instagram

Another Southern Mansion Reader Weekend is coming!

Here are images from the 2018 Southern Mansion Reader Weekend . . . 
Would YOU be interested in attending a SOUTHERN MANSION READER WEEKEND with Tamera? 

If yes, please CLICK to join Tamera's newsletter for insider news (or join via the subscribe button below), and you'll be the first to get information on the next Southern Mansion Reader Weekend that's in the works!

What is a Southern Mansion Reader Weekend? 
It's visiting all the Southern mansions Tamera writes about in her three bestselling series—the Belmont Mansion novels, the Belle Meade Plantation novels, and the Carnton novels. The weekend consists of dinner at Belmont Mansion on Friday evening, breakfast at Belle Meade Plantation on Saturday morning, and dinner at Carnton on Saturday evening. We even schedule some time for browsing in the beautiful, historic downtown district of Franklin, Tennessee. 

And just so you know, ahem, we may well be adding another location once Tamera's 2026 release hits the shelves! : )

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