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About Tamera

Tamera Alexander is a USA Today bestselling novelist and one of today's most popular authors of inspirational historical romance and women’s contemporary fiction, including A Million Little Choices, Rekindled, and Within My Heart. While being Gram Tam is her current favorite role, she’ll never turn down a stroll through an old cemetery or browsing through antique shops.

Her works have been awarded numerous industry-leading honors—among them the Christy Award, the RITA Award, the Carol Award, Library Journal's top honors—and have earned the distinction of Publisher's Weekly Starred Reviews. 

In 2020 she was inducted into the Christy Award Hall of Fame which recognizes authors for their legacy and contribution to Christian fiction. Her deeply drawn characters and thought-provoking plots have earned her devoted readers worldwide. 

Tamera and her husband love living in Nashville, Tennessee, and treasure the time spent with their grown children and grandchildren. They live a short distance from the Southern mansions that serve as the backdrop for many of her critically-acclaimed novels. 

Tamera views her writing as a way to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ—and her deepest desire is that those who read her novels will take steps closer to Him as well.

P.S. People often ask how Tamera's name is pronounced. It's Tamera like "camera" with a T. But Tammy is just fine, too.

Tamera with Murphy (left) and Bailey (right) her sweet but slightly rowdy Australian Terriers

What inspired Tamera to write novels?

Tamera was inspired to become a writer by her mother-in-law Claudette who gave her a book that Tamera took one look at and thought, "Mmmm...not interested." (So much for 'Don't judge a book by its cover!') But being a Southern gal, Tamera thanked her sweet mother-in-law profusely, then shelved the book for a later date.

A few weeks passed, and Tamera got a phone call one afternoon. Claudette had died very suddenly of a brain aneurysm at age 58. In the following months, Tamera happened upon that little book again, the one Claudette had given her. But this time, she sat down and read it cover-to-cover—and her long-ago-tucked-away love of writing was given new life!

The book? Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke. 

Tamera writes her novels at home in Tennessee and treasures being a writer. But mostly, she cherishes her connections with people—both real and imagined.

She hopes readers who pick up one of her novels will be swept away into another time and place, that they'll fall in love with the characters and gain insights into the history of the setting and people of yesteryear. 

But most of all, when a reader turns that final page in one of her novels, she prays they will have taken a step closer to Christ. Because she believes that having a relationship with Him is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life—and the next.

A personal note from Tamera . . .

I grew up reading anything and everything I could, so it was a natural step when my interest eventually turned to writing. 

To date, I've written sixteen novels and two novellas, which includes my 2023 release A Million Little Choices, my first contemporary (dual timeline novel), which received enthusiastic support from both the market and my readers—and I’m so thankful. 

A Million Little Choices is a story I’d wanted to write for a long time. Fifteen years, in fact, and I was over the moon when Jerry Jenkins (my editor on that project) called on behalf of Focus on the Family and invited me to be part of a new adult fiction line. God’s timing is always perfect. Even if it feels slow for us at times. 

My first fifteen novels consist of Southern historical fiction/romances set in Civil War and post-Civil War Nashville, and also in the wild grandeur of the Colorado Rocky Mountains where we lived for over seventeen years. Then the sixteenth novel, A Million Little Choices, has Atlanta (my childhood stomping ground) as its main backdrop.

At the heart of each of my books is a male and female protagonist at crucial turning points in their lives. As each story unfolds in my writing, I take the couple's journey with them and hope you'll enjoy taking each of these journeys too.

I live in Nashville, Tennessee, with my husband—not far from the antebellum mansions I write about—and with Murphy and Bailey, our two rambunctious but precious Australian Terriers. Our children and grandchildren live close by which makes life pretty perfect. 

All the mansions I write about—Historic Carnton, Belmont Mansion, and Belle Meade Plantation—are current day house museums that welcome patrons, so I encourage you to grab your friends and book club buddies and head to Nashville for a visit. Who knows... We just might cross paths there. I hope so.

Every blessing in Christ, 


Coeur d'Alene Ladies (aka: my writing tribe)

Every summer since 2003, I meet with writing buddies for an annual retreat in Idaho where we plot each other's next books, play like crazy, and pray for each other amidst lots of laughter and fun. 

Here's a recent picture from one our retreats filled with plotting, playing, and praying together. 

Do you recognize any of these gals?

Back row (L to R): Brandilyn Collins, Francine Rivers, Sandy Sheppard, Tricia Goyer Front Row (L to R): Robin Lee Hatcher, moi, Sharon Dunn, Karen Ball, Sunni Jeffers, Janet Ulbright, and Gayle DeSalles in front

And here we are just seconds after... LOL!

A few more glimpses of the weekend . . .

It takes time—and the Lord Jesus Christ—to develop these kinds of deep, eternal relationships. Do you have these friendships in your life? I hope you do.

If you don't, stop and pray right now (just as I did years ago) that God would bring friends into your life who can not only encourage you, but who you can encourage in return!

10 Things You Might Not Know About Tamera

Tamera's Dogs...

Meet Murphy (Australian Terrier) who joined our family in May 2016 (and who graduated...barely!)

Meet Murphy (Australian Terrier) who joined our family in May 2016 (and who graduated...barely!)

Captain Murphy

Cap'n Murphy, who loves the water!

Cap'n Murphy, who loves the water!

Murphy & Bailey

Meet Bailey, Murphy's half sister, who joined us in December 2018. Whoever said having two dogs is just as easy as having one... Well, I'd like to speak with them again, please.

Meet Bailey, Murphy's half sister, who joined us in December 2018. Whoever said having two dogs is just as easy as having one... Well, I'd like to speak with them again, please.

People who make my world go round

My family (circa 2015)

My family (circa 2015)

In December 2020, we welcomed our fabulous daughter-in-law, Kellie, who married our son Kurt

In December 2020, we welcomed our fabulous daughter-in-law, Kellie, who married our son Kurt

Our grandson

Our grandson

Our granddaughter

Our granddaughter

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