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Bonus Features

Have you watched The Chosen Season 5 trailer?

The Chosen TV series is spreading like mustard seed. If you haven't seen it yet, where have you been?! 


Start watching today!

Featured in Nashville A&E

A fun chat. . .

For Writers

Facebook Live

Facebook LIVE chat party for Christmas at Carnton's release (with my daughter Kelsey)

This picture pretty up sums up the comedy of errors the evening turned out to be! : ) Thanks, all, who joined us.

Visit Tamera's Favorite Nashville Indie Bookstore

Really fun interview!

What a surprise...and thrill!

Novelist of the Month!

Listen as you read!

Visit Tamera's favorite coffee shop when you're in Nashville

Listen to #SpeakLight

Giving voice to the Word of God . . .

From the Blog . . .

Tamera is part of a group blog with ten other writers. She blogs every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Inspired by Life...and Fiction. Here are some recent selections.

Odds & Ins . . .

A Step Forward & Back

Beginnings . . .

Southern Mansion Reader Weekend

When Fiction Takes on Real Life

What are you reading?

View pics from the 2018 Southern Mansion Reader Weekend—and find out how to attend the next one!

Join Tamera on Instagram

Disclosure of Material Connection: As an Amazon Associate, Tamera earns from qualifying purchases. Some of the links on this site are "affiliate links." Meaning that, at no additional cost to you, Tamera may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. We're disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."