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Reader Discussion Guides

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Spoilers abound!

a Carnton Novella

Discussion questions in book (discussion guide coming soon)

Discussion questions in book (discussion guide coming soon)

a Carnton Novel, book 1

a Carnton Novel, book 2

Belle Meade, book 1

Belle Meade, book 2

Belle Meade, book 3

the Belmont Mansion novels, book 1

the Belmont Mansion novels, book 2

the Belmont Mansion novels, book 3

Timber Ridge Reflections, bk 1

Timber Ridge Reflections, bk 2

Timber Ridge Reflections, bk 3

Fountain Creek Chronicles, bk 1

Fountain Creek Chronicles, bk 2

Fountain Creek Chronicles, bk 3

The Inheritance (a stand-alone novel)