Romantic Times Booklovers Convention in Atlanta (ticketed event)
Thursday, May 4, 2017 -
Friday, May 5, 2017
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Downtown
265 Peachtree St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tamera Alexander joined hundreds of romance authors—including her fellow inspirational authors pictured below—at this annual convention hosted especially for readers—and had a blast!
We hope you'll check out the 2018 Romantic Times Booklovers Convention in RENO where Tamera will be in attendance again!
A past glimpse at the 2017 Atlanta convention:
Online registration has closed. But! You can still register either for a full conference pass or for a day pass (more economical) simply by emailing or calling Nancy below. Nancy is fabulous and will be happy to help!

Tamera will be attending the convention on Thursday and Friday and will be at the following events:
Thursday, May 4
10 AM - 11 AM
Tamera is on an author panel with buddies Denise Hunter, Sarah Loudin Thomas, Dani Pettrey, and Jen Turano
Thursday, May 4
12:20 PM - 1:20 PM
An author event sponsored by Bethany House and Revell Publishers especially for readers of Inspirational fiction. See the flier below for details!
Featured authors:
Tamera Alexander, Susan May Warren, Dani Pettrey, Lynette Eason, Kristi Ann Hunter, Jen Turano, (2nd row) Patricia Bradley, Elizabeth Camden, Sarah Loudin Thomas, Rebecca DeMarino, Ronie Kendig

Thursday, May 4
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
From Fodder to Fiction: From "Lightbulb" to "Bestseller"
Tamera will be attending this event—and likely heckling from the audience.
Author panelists will be Colleen Coble, Rachel Hauck, Shelley Shepard Gray, Katherine Reay, and Susan May Warren
Friday, May 5
8:15 AM - 9:45 AM
An author event sponsored by Harper Collins Christian Publishing especially for readers of Inspirational fiction. Featured authors:
Tamera Alexander, Colleen Coble, Shelley Shepard Gray, Rachel Hauck, Denise Hunter and Katherine Reay
The Bethany House/Revell Publishers Event

The Harper Collins Christian Publishers Event

Three of the best things in life are all in one place at the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention!
chat with me and all my author buddies while indulging in sweet
goodies—and walk away with an armful of FREE signed books from both the
Bethany House/Revell Publishers event and the Harper Collins Christian Publisher event!
Click for pics from the 2015 Romantic Times Conference. We had such fun!
Content Copyright © 2024 Tamera Alexander
All rights reserved
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