A Note Yet Unsung
Belmont Mansion Novels, book 3
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Praise for A Note Yet Unsung
"This fast-moving work of inspirational historical romance highlights both classical and Appalachian music. Thanks to Alexander's vivid writing, one can almost hear the music resonating off of the page."
~Publishers Weekly starred review (Feb 2017)
Winning the Christy Award for A Note Yet Unsung
Winning the Christy Award for A Note Yet Unsung, a Belmont Mansion novel, was especially meaningful because the novel contains two very special "threads" for me.
First, as I wrote A Note Yet Unsung, I included an Appalachian subplot as a kind of "ode" to Catherine Marshall’s Christy—a novel I first read over thirty years ago. A novel that had a profound effect on me. So it was deeply gratifying for A Note Yet Unsung to win the award named after the author who so influenced my writing early on. And that we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of that renown novel on the night of the Christy Awards was special too!
In addition, I included a poem—"The Last Load"—in this novel that was written by my dear late father-in-law, Dr. Fred Alexander, in honor of his own father. Fred and I always talked about writing something together, yet never quite found the right opportunity.
Fred went home to Christ in January 2016. But as I was writing A Note Yet Unsung (and when a character's father asks him to retrieve a piece of paper from a top dresser drawer), Fred’s poem is what that character withdrew. I didn’t see it coming. But I’m betting Fred did! The poem is included in the novel, the same poem that my husband, Joe, read at Fred’s memorial service.
As I said when I held the first author copy of A Note Yet Unsung… "Well, Fred, we finally wrote something together!"'

With my sweet father-in-law, Fred Alexander
Pictures from the cover photo shoot for A Note Yet Unsung

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