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Need an example of some fabulous—and brief—reviews?
"Alexander has become a favorite author of mine. This book was amazing! I was sad it was the last in the series, but it doesn't disappoint in any area. This book transports you back in time. I think it might be Alexander's best book yet! It's a wow, and I just can't do this book review enough justice. It's amazing on every level."
~ Amazon Reader about To Wager Her Heart
~ Amazon Reader about To Wager Her Heart
"Tamera Alexander knows how to tell a bittersweet story with the Civil War as
the backdrop. Loved the length of this novella, not too short yet not yet a novel. Appreciated the emotional dilemmas/struggles that Alexander portrays. Will definitely be looking forward to the first novel in her coming series and reading Elizabeth Clouston and Captain Roland Jones' story!"

~ CBD.com Reader about Christmas at Carnton
Grateful beyond words (and that's really something!),
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